Rural Cemetery Competition
Provincial Prizes:
First Prize: $200.00
Second Prize: $150.00
Third Prize: $100.00
This Competition is open to all non-profit Cemetery organizations, or any other group interested in the care of and improvement of non-profit cemeteries. Entries should be forwarded by the organization responsible for the cemetery. Judges will evaluate the overall appearance of the cemetery, including the criteria noted below. Artificial flowers are acceptable in this competition only. The cemetery must be in rural PEI (excluding Charlottetown & Summerside). Judging will take place after September 1, 2024.
Entry deadline – June 30, 2024
Criteria for judging & Scoring:
• General overall appearance and curb appeal of cemetery 300 points
• Monuments straight and well presented 100 points
• Lining up the monuments where this can be done without disturbing the identity of the exact location of the grave 100 points
• Seeding and care of the grass 100 points
• Addition of flowers (garden & planters) 200 points
• Fences and gates where appropriate 100 points
• Name of cemetery identified (signage) 100 points
• Planting suitable trees and shrubs 100 points
Total Possible Points: 1100 points